Flight Reactions |
Hero Actions |
Fight Reactions |
Unbelief in positive change Belief in inertia / status quo. |
Patience in pursuing change
Long-term effectiveness focus. |
Impatience in pursuing change
Short-term efficiency focus. |
I dont care you do not matter to me. |
Kindness: I am your friend and
will not hurt you. |
I know whats best for you, like it or not. |
Resentment/envy: I want what you have. |
Generosity: I will celebrate
your achievements with you. |
Power plays: I will take
credit for your achievements. |
Self-denegration/pity: I
am unworthy and pathetic, and so are you. |
Humility: I am more interested
in the truth than in myself. Slow to judge others. |
Self-delusion: I am a legend
in my own mind. Only stupid people disagree with me. |
Coldness: I dont have
time or energy for your needs. |
Courtesy: I care about your
feelings and comfort. |
Rudeness: You will interact
on my terms, or not at all. |
Defensiveness: I protect
what I have; sacrifice is loss. |
Unselfishness: I will sacrifice
for the greater good. |
Opportunism: I will sacrifice
when it serves my interests. |
Silence: Sharing is risky,
I prefer cynicism and safety. |
Good Temper: I choose to be
cheerful and positive. |
Violence: I am explosive,
unpredictable and inconsistent. |
Paranoid: Assumes the worst, projects own fears. |
Guileless: Assumes the best,
gives benefit of a doubt. |
Mistrusting: Projects own dishonesty onto others. |
Insincerity: Situational
ethics: accepts whatever truths are comfortable and convenient. |
Sincerity: Loves the truth, and
will defend it from lies. Accepts responsibility to live and model personal values. |
Insincerity: Opportunistic
ethics: truth is what you shape it to be; it is merely functional and can be discarded at will. |
Copyright © 2002 Vivian Ellis Zabriskie
the Free Book:
Heroworks: Becoming Your Own Hero at Work
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