Zabriskies work is both timely and essential. I have provided
consulting in numerous corporate settings for over fifteen years.
All of these organizations have one thing in common: employees who
experience significant pain and frustration from their organizational
life. Pain that keeps them up at night. Pain that robs them of their
health. Pain that impacts their closest relationships. Pain that destroys
productivity and competitiveness. Employees must gain the skills to
understand organizational life and thrive even with the unwanted pain. |
work is central to understanding organizations, the pain they create
and the principles to rising above them. The need is there. The
benefit is great. All we need to do is provide them with Vivians
C. Smith
Owner, Redwood Consulting
the record, I found the writing highly engaging.
Miller, Literary Agent
Dupree, Miller & Associates
(Stephen Coveys agent)
Zabriskie makes some highly interesting and provocative points and
sets them forth with becoming conviction.
Tracy, Senior Editor
Random House
is such a valuable message, and the timing is right for this book.
I think millions of people will love this message; so many people
feel trapped by their circumstances at work.
Checketts, President
Organizational Leadership
I am
struck by how welland how passionatelyyou write.
B. Harvey
Professor of Management Science
The George Washington University
is the kind of book that can change you. It makes you want to be
a better person.
Instructional Designer
I think
you were inspired when you wrote this book.
Storey, Owner
David Storey and Associates
is a dynamo who came to us bringing inspiration, knowledge, management
skills, and a wealth of experience. We all felt warmed by her spirit
and encouraged to start a powerful membership drive . . .She has
helped us more than we can say.
Jim Woodward
President, North Carolina Mental Health Association
of keen intelligence, dedication, hard work, and effective leadership,
our Association developed and prospered, becoming the most outstanding
chapter in the state and winning numerous awards. Because of her
noted competence, she was invited to serve as a national consultant
and trainer in mental health.
Professor of Psychology, Wake Forest University
You were
a delightful, helpful, and very informed instructor. Although the
information was the purpose of the training, you made it a success.
Thank you.
participant in Influence
you. At first I felt this training would be a waste. Now Im
looking forward to starting the unit.
participant in Team Building
with Stephen
Covey at Sundance, Utah |

of the most frequent and frustrating challenges is found in working out
the subtle relationship between the individual and the organization. The
love-hate dilemma faced by so many people derives from the potential power
for an enormous constructive contribution from our organizational involvement
juxtaposed to an often equally potent potential power for destruction.
Whether this organizational encounter is positive or negative depends
to a large degree on how the individual defines and manages the interface.
In Vivian Zabriskies thoughtful account of her own organizational
odyssey we can learn much about the problems and the opportunities we
all face in the variety of organizations encountered every day in addition
to the overpowering presence of our work organization. In this book we
see a very honest and painful learning process as each challenge is turned
into an important learning experience. While her specific solutions may
not fit everyones situation, her personal achievement and general
framework can be both useful and inspirational for all of us.
addition to the attitude and mind-set needed to cope with organizations,
Zabriskie offers a set of very pragmatic skills that can be helpful in
this empowering/hero quest. Would that we all might develop the commitment
to manage our own organizational roles as well as helping others to find
a better way that Vivian Zabriskie has described in this sensitive work.
J. Bonner Ritchie
Professor of Organizational Behavior (Ret.), Brigham Young University
Dean, School of Business, Utah Valley State College